Sunday, May 2, 2010


hello everyone! My name is Nadia...Ive decided to start off by going straight in on a topic..My blogs are going to basically be what Ive experienced on a day to day basis and vent, elaborate, and share what I know on said subjects. And I hope that my followers want to do the same by sharing their opinions. Now, I can take constructive criticism but if you are going to be a narcissistic fuck, then don't even bother writing to me because you just trying to bring me down to your negative island you're stuck on! With that being said, don't expect my writing to be in complete sentences at all times or grammatically correct. Again, this is my place...not yours..if you dont like it, go eat a "fuck off" sandwich :)

Now, my first topic is on a very touchy subject..but a very interesting subject..i in Miami, we are subjected to alot of diversity that most other cities are not used to seeing. Its funny, you can always tell when someone is "not from Miami." But they always seem to handle these awkward situations they witness without offending the person they are so "shocked" by. Especially on South Beach, everyone has been greeted by the friendly neighborhood colorful man on rollerblades in a pink tutu and a grungy tube top shaking his ass to Rihanna's Rude Boy from the passing by drop top bentley with a scantily-clad blonde in the passenger seat shaking more off beat then the rollerblading crossdresser. Some people laugh, some people join in and dance, but in all my years, I have never seen anyone taunt or tantalize him. But this is another day on South Beach. The regulars walk right by aggrevated by the array of "paparazzi-esque tourists" video taping and photographing the scene taking place. The regulars barely bat an eyelash when they see a interracial couple walking down the street hand in hand with a kindergarten of mixed children running carelessly through the crowds, but again, it never fails to see a southern older couple scoff at the sight and shake their heads in disapproval. See, us south floridians see this as racist or discriminating, but they can't help it. It is just the ignorance. Everyone is entitled to different lifestyles and the sad part is, is it is NOT like this everywhere. and because of that, so many hate crimes are reported, even NOW!

OK: SO! Last night, after a very long night at work. My best friend, Tatiana(you will hear ALOT about her) and I took ourselves to Denny's on 36th St. Now, mind you, its 6am on Biscayne Blvd on a Saturday night! You can imagine the scene of drunken club-hoppers, exhausted bouncers and bartenders, constructions workers preparing for the morning shit, and of course, the occasional "working girls" winding down after a long night. See, while we were at Denny's, there was a loud and colorful group sitting behind us just....well, there are no words for what I witnessed!! I watched these men that acted, dressed, and somewhat--looked like women, rolling on the floor and flirting with other customers screaming interesting things like, " shit, boy, if you wanna look at me, you need to pay!" I was floored! For once, in all the years I have lived in Miami, I was completely floored! Watching these "women" pretend to suck the men's dicks at their table in the middle of the Denny's with a room full of people, that did not surprise me seeing in my profession, IVE SEEN ALOT WORSE! but the fact that nobody said anything!! The staff and management scurried past their table as one of them kneeled and dug in the other's pants, and nobody said a word! THAT IS WHAT SHOCKED ME!!
Now, if I were to have been half naked rolling on the floor damn near pulling my boyfriend's dick out and yelling that I am going to suck it in front of the entire restaurant, I would have been asked to leave the building and not before being called a list full of names by other tables and Heaven knows what else would have happened! And furthermore , do you think these same people would act like this if they were in the countryside of Mississippi or in a small town in North Carolina! I mean, for fuk's sake I am from Louisiana and I could only imagine that scene going down in front my grandfather!! There would have been plate, cups, and a whole lotta F-Bombs getting dropped....SO!!!I guess my point is, why do we handle ourself different in different environments?! And where is the line drawn on socially acceptable? I mean I exaggerated when I said North Carolina but even if you would go into Opa Locka or even Aventura, and go to a Denny's there, and I dont even think our "ladies of the night" would have even dared to pull those stunts nor would staff had allowed it. What is this line that makes the difference???

And when I say we act different, I'm not just talking about the older southern couple who scoffed in Miami but would have probably had a few comments to say in their hometown or in another socially backward environment but bite their tongues while their skin crawls at the thought of a bi-racial couple or a homosexual crossdresser wearing ballet slippers and a wig walking down the same street as them. Or the college frat boys from a small town in Texas, laugh and take videos to post on their facebook and hand him a beer but in their town, may have targeted him. I'm even talking about myself...Why are we so willing to say we are real but when put in the same situation under different circumstances, we act differently. Whether it be the people we are with, the people around, the city we are in...where is this defining line we draw with ourselves to make us act the way we do?

please....feel free to comment :)

now, i gotta get ready to go out !! SEE YA AT LIV



  1. Society reflects what society accepts! Shit like thatwont fly in other cities (most of them at least) but Miami seems to thrive on the risqué. I've spent more time in the 305 than a little bit, and I've seen the flash and flamboyance on display, full tilt even. I'm from New York shot like that won't fly but at the same time NYers will stand by and watch a woman get her ass whooped or harrassed in broad daylight. People that choose to act in such ways stay out of neighborhoods that they know will not tolerate it. How do they know these places exist??. Not really sure, trial and error I guess?!?!? I can go on and on about this but my eyes are getting heavy...Keep it funky love..SkylarkAlias!

  2. wow!! thanks boo boo! great point...we might need to do a topic just on the different flash/flamboyance and abuse/mistreatment from city to city!!! muah! very much appreciated

